Cash Management​

Get to know the collection, payment, information, cash, and check services we offer specifically for your company.

Collection Services

Direct Debit System

Involves the automatic collection of invoices for deferred sales of goods and services to the main companies' dealers when due, providing a collection guarantee to the main company under specific conditions.

Advantages of Direct Debit System to the Main Company

  • Faster and more secure cash flow due to our collection guarantee.
  • Regular reporting of up-to-date credit balances of dealers/customers in our system, allowing you to have information about their financial structure.
  • Time-saving leading to reduced operational workload and costs.

Advantages of DDS to Dealers

  • Elimination of operational workload and legal sanction possibilities associated with payments made by checks/promissory notes.
  • Facilitation of invoice tracking.
  • Provision of funds for payments in case of cash flow constraints through credit limits.

Bulk Check/Promissory Note Collection and Integration Processes

Automatic and integrated services through check and promissory note entry files for companies that typically handle collections with checks and promissory notes.

Payment Services

Check-Promissory Note Transactions

  • Payment flexibility using Turkish Lira and foreign currency checkbooks, managing cash flow.
  • Depositing received checks for collection or as credit collateral.
  • Customization of checks with your company's logo.
  • Collection of promissory notes, either protested or unprotested, processed at our bank.

Cash Management Payment System (TL, FX Bulk Payment)

  • It is a program designed to facilitate the payment operations of companies making numerous bulk payments, aiming to ease the process and prevent user errors. It is a highly secure and user-friendly program.
  • You can download and install the Odeabank Bulk Payment application on your computer for your bulk transfer transactions. This program streamlines the submission of payment files and instruction processes to the bank.
  • With the YP Bulk Payment Platform, you can perform transfers in foreign currency to domestic and international destinations. Utilizing file-based transfer options with high security and user-friendly features.
  • The files you create can be submitted to our bank via email, Internet Banking, and S-FTP (Secure Payment Platform).
  • Payment files submitted to our bank can be approved by the bank, approved by the customer, or, upon your request, can be processed without approval by signing a contract with your institution.

Regular Payments

You can automatically make regular payments such as rent, dues, etc., by giving instructions from your accounts at our bank.

Salary Payments

Personnel salary payments of private sector organizations or public institutions are made quickly and smoothly via secure file transfer method.

Bill Payments

  • You can make your bill payments such as electricity, water, natural gas and mobile phone through our Direct Banking channels (via our Internet Branch or branches).
  • You can make your payments smoothly with a single automatic payment order from your account or credit card.

vergiTax Payments

All tax types authorized to be collected by banks can be collected through our branches and some tax types through our Direct Banking channels, using our bank's credit cards. You can make your tax payments in cash through your account or at our branch counters.

SSI Transactions

  • You can make your SSI payments through our Branch and Direct Banking channels, and have the payments made through your account or credit card upon the instruction you give to our bank.
  • You can also make your SSI premium payments with your Odebank credit card from the SSI Payment Gateway page on

Customs Duty Transactions

You can make your Customs Tax payments regarding your customs declarations through Direct Banking and our branches.

Information Services

Mikro–Odeabank Integration

Our customers who use micro accounting programs can convert bulk payment and check status information into accounting records integratedly and automatically in applications version 15 and above.

Swift mt940

Information regarding all movements in your accounts is transferred electronically in the world standard Swift mt940 format, with transaction codes suitable for your accounting systems.

Online Account Transactions

You can access all your account transactions at any time through online services with instant query and secure protocols.

Cash and Check Collection Services

Cash and Check Collection Services

Your cash and checks are received by armored vehicles on the specified days and hours, in accordance with the locations and routes you want, and the relevant amount is deposited into your accounts.